
Polynesian Journal of Mathematics


The executive board provides strategic direction for the journal; it elects a president and a managing editor, appoints members of the editorial board, and approves all major decisions. The president leads the board efforts. The managing editor coordinates day-to-day operations. The editors evaluate submissions and make a publication decision on behalf of the journal.

Each editor can be reached by email at <lastname@polyjmath.org>.

Executive Board

Gaetan Bisson
University of French Polynesia
(managing editor)

Roger Oyono
University of French Polynesia

Jito Vanualailai
University of the South Pacific

Editorial Board

Enrique González Jiménez
Universitat Autònoma de Madrid
(algebraic and arithmetic geometry)

Sione Ma'u
University of Auckland
(real and complex analysis)

Samir M. Perlaza
INRIA, Université Côte d'Azur
(game theory, information theory)

Nicolas Thériault
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
(number theory, cryptography)

Robert Van Gorder
University of Otago
(physical and applied mathematics)

Guest Editors

The journal welcomes proposals for special volumes with guest editors, for instance in the case of conference proceedings. Such proposals should be submitted to the president in as much detail as possible.