
Polynesian Journal of Mathematics

All Volumes

Volume 1 (2024)

  1. Introducing the Polynesian Journal of Mathematics
    Gaetan Bisson, Roger Oyono, and Jito Vanualailai
  2. Differential uniformity of polynomials of degree 10
    Yves Aubry
  3. Rows of the Pascal triangle which are palindromic in base b
    Florian Luca
  4. Okutsu sequences in Henselian valued fields
    Enric Nart
  5. Polarized products of elliptic curves with complex multiplication and field of moduli ℚ
    Fabien Narbonne, with an appendix by Francesc Fité and Xavier Guitart
  6. Kyber terminates
    Manuel Barbosa and Peter Schwabe